Nedělní chvilka dušičkové hudby Lucifer
Končí se dušičkový týden a ten příští bude padat listí. Ono padá už teď, ale teprve příští týden se to bude nazývat Listopad. V mé dušičce plápolá malý plamínek, a já bych tak rád našel moudrého muže či ženu, nebo alespoň avatara, aby mi konečně vysvětlil, jaký je smysl mého života ... Moudrý muž, tedy mudřec, je píseň od Uriah Heep z alba Firefly, které vyšlo v roce 1977: I sat before the wise man in the autumn of my youth And I told him all the things I had to know He said you heard the future if you need to find the truth And in his eyes I saw that it was so So I came around and asked him the meaning of live And as he smiled I saw a twinkle in his eyes He said with all his years there's still so much he has to learn And once again, I saw that it was so Keep on living low and wanting for your turn Is the only way to ease your concern If you want to find your dream for sure You don't wake up too soon And you'll find that he's a shooting for the moon Wise man, wise man Which way should I run There's so many roads, so many ways to turn I'm like a blind man, lost in the sun I wanna be like you and be a wise man too But I'm looking for an easy way to learn
30.10.2011, 19:47:00 Publikoval Luciferkomentářů: 1