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20887 https://youtu.be/vP4iY1TtS3s
mefi * 10.03.2021, 03:17:36


Angelina Jordan - California Dreamin',The Mamas and The Papas



20886 www.harfa.fun of mefistofeles
mefi * 10.03.2021, 03:13:01


Angelina Jordan (10 Year Old) - Feeling Good



20885 www.perla.fun of mefistostoff
@mefi@mefisto@mefistofeles@CS@ (neregistrovaný) 10.03.2021, 03:06:45


Angelina Jordan - Fly Me To The Moon



20884 www.kralovna.name of mefistoff
mefi * 10.03.2021, 02:59:38


Angelina Jordan - Bohemian Rhapsody, America's Got



20883 Tangled up
@mefi@mefisto@mefistofeles@CS@ (neregistrovaný) 10.03.2021, 02:53:48


Olivia K. Rash — Stairway to Heaven, Voice



mefi * 09.03.2021, 12:39:40


Butterflies are vanishing in the western U.S.—but not for the reasons scientists thought

Earth is in the midst of an insect apocalypse, with thousands of species dwindling over the past several decades. Scientists have often blamed habitat loss or pesticide use. But a new study of butterflies in the western United States has found that warmer fall weather may be taking as big, if not a bigger, toll.

The findings are a wake-up call—not just for butterflies, but for all insects—says Jessica Ware, an entomologist at the American Museum of Natural History who was not involved with the study. “If humans don’t take dramatic steps to curb global warming,” she says, entire ecosystems could disappear, with untold impacts on biodiversity and human health.

Scientists already know some butterflies are in trouble. Recent studies have shown monarchs are in steep decline, and surveys of insects, in general, show shrinking numbers. Yet most data for these studies come from densely populated or intensively farmed areas.

But butterflies are at risk in open spaces, too. Art Shapiro, an insect ecologist at the University of California, Davis, and colleagues have shown that over the past 35 years, butterflies are disappearing even in pristine protected areas such as the Sierra Nevada mountain range in the western United States.

To see whether that finding held up elsewhere, Shapiro and Matthew Forister, an insect ecologist at the University of Nevada, Reno, gathered data from the North American Butterfly Association, which has coordinated community scientist butterfly counts across the United States for more than 42 years. The duo also incorporated 15 years of data from iNaturalist, a web portal that collects sightings of plants and animals, including butterflies. In all, the researchers tracked the fates of 450 butterfly species from 70 locations in the western United States.

Butterfly numbers have dropped an average of 1.6% per year between 1977 and 2018, the team reports today in Science.

Zdroj: Elizabeth Pennisi, Mar. 4, 2021 , 2:00 PM

Posted in: Plants & Animals




Zamračený Překvapený Plačící

mefi * 09.03.2021, 12:35:14


Traces of psychedelics make you feel good, but so does placebo, finds unusual ‘self-blinding’ study

People who take tiny amounts of LSD, “magic mushrooms,” and related drugs report a range of benefits, from more creativity to improved psychological well-being. But do these microdoses—typically less than 10% of the amount that causes a true psychedelic experience—actually benefit the mind?

That’s been a hard question to answer. Placebo-controlled trials are tricky to pull off, because psychedelics are so tightly regulated. Now, researchers have come up with a creative workaround: They’ve enlisted microdosing enthusiasts to hide their drugs in gel capsules and mix them up with empty capsules.

The upshot of this “self-blinding” study: Microdosing did lead to improvements in psychological well-being—but so did the placebo capsules. “The benefits are real,” says lead author Balázs Szigeti, a neuroscientist at Imperial College London. “But they are not caused by the pharmacological effects of microdosing.”

The findings, however, are “the least interesting thing about this study,” says Noah Haber, a study design specialist at Stanford University. The “very, very clever” method of self-blinding pushes the boundaries of what can be investigated using randomized placebo controls, he says.

Getting the new study off the ground wasn’t easy. Obtaining ethical approval to enroll psychedelic-taking volunteers was a “long and difficult process,” Szigeti says. And then he had to go out and find those volunteers, which he did by reaching out to microdosing communities, giving talks at psychedelic societies, and holding an “ask me anything” discussion on Reddit. Szigeti eventually garnered more than 1600 sign-ups, but once potential participants realized they’d have to procure their own psychedelics, interest ebbed, and only 246 ended up in the experiment.

This first study is like a half-time score of two-to-zero at a soccer game, Szigeti says: It’s not impossible that psychedelic microdosing might come back against the odds and show an effect, but “from what we have, it just does not look good.”

Zdroj: Cathleen O’Grady, Mar. 5, 2021 , 12:00 PM

Posted in: Brain & Behavior, doi:10.1126/science.abh3977



S vyplazeným jazykem

mefi * 09.03.2021, 12:28:44


Why cleaning up Fukushima’s damaged reactors will take another 30 years

Much of northeastern Japan is well along in recovering from the magnitude 9 earthquake and 40-meter tsunami of 11 March 2011. However, at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, “We’re still just very near the starting line” for cleaning up after the meltdowns and explosions triggered by the natural disasters, Fukushima prefecture Governor Masao Uchibori said at a 17 February press briefing.

The plant owner, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), envisions roughly 30 more years of work to retrieve undamaged fuel, remove resolidified melted fuel debris, disassemble the reactors, and dispose of contaminated cooling water. The fuel debris and contaminated water pose especially thorny problems that could threaten that timetable. The government puts the cost of decommissioning the four reactors at 8 trillion yen ($76 billion); but the Japan Center for Economic Research, a think tank, estimates the bill could be much more.

The earthquake cut the plant’s electrical lines, moving it to emergency generators, which the tsunami swamped 50 minutes later. The power failures disabled pumps that circulate cooling water. As the reactor cores overheated and melted, radioactive steam and hydrogen escaped from the reactor pressure vessels, accumulated in the upper floors of three of the buildings, and then exploded, blowing out roofs and wall panels and spewing fallout over nearby communities.

Though the four reactors are similar, the meltdowns and explosions damaged them differently. So, four unique structures have been or will be built to support cranes needed to safely retrieve undamaged fuel stored on upper floors of the units. Removing the fuel is expected to take until 2031.

Removing the fuel debris is a tougher task, with no target completion date yet. TEPCO believes some of the debris is still in the reactor cores; some dropped to the bottoms of the reactor pressure vessels, which surround the cores; and some burned through the vessels and landed on the concrete at the base of the reactors.

Zdroj: Dennis NormileMar. 4, 2021 , 2:00 PM

Posted in: AsiaHealth, doi:10.1126/science.abh3449



Zamračený Plačící Ahoj


20879 RE 20878, 2 mefi
@mefi@mefisto@mefistofeles@CS@ (neregistrovaný) 09.03.2021, 08:32:10


Maria Daines - Empty House



Usmívající se

mefi * 09.03.2021, 08:27:33


Modern Dirty Blues Rock and Badass



Zamilovaný Ahoj Mrkající

mefi * 09.03.2021, 08:24:40


Last week in the other magazines



mefi * 09.03.2021, 08:20:14


Astronomers spy promising blob around our nearest neighbor star, but is it a planet?

Being careful not to claim a discovery, astronomers say they have directly imaged something close to Alpha Centauri A, a near twin of our Sun and, at 4.5 light-years away, part of the closest star system to home. As Scientific American explains, astronomers are excited because being so close means any planets in the Alpha Centauri system are prime candidates for detailed study—once a new generation of ground-based and orbiting telescopes starts to observe the skies in the next few years. Two planets have been spied around Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf member of the system, which has focused intense interest on Alpha Centauri A and B—both sunlike—because a planet around them (like the one imagined above) would be more like home. Breakthrough Watch, a project funded by Israeli-Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, built a $3 million instrument specifically to capture the light of planets around Alpha Centauri, with an optical mask to block the glare of the stars and capturing midinfrared light because planets shine more brightly at that wavelength. Fixed to Europe’s Very Large Telescope in Chile, the detector studied the system for 10 nights early in 2019. By the time researchers realized they’d spied something like a Neptune-size object in the planet’s habitable zone, the telescope was shuttered by the pandemic and they weren’t able to confirm it. Now that it’s operating again, the team has applied for more observing time. So, watch that space.

Zdroj: Daniel Clery



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mefi * 09.03.2021, 08:07:06

Does the wandering of the fusion desert continues?

A startup chasing the dream of plentiful, safe, carbon-free electricity from fusion, the energy source of the Sun, has settled on a site, timetable, and key technology for building its compact reactor. Flush with more than $200 million from investors, including Bill Gates’s Breakthrough Energy, 3-year-old Commonwealth Fusion Systems announced today that later this year it will start to build its first test reactor, dubbed SPARC, in a new facility in Devens, Massachusetts, not far from its current base in Cambridge. The company says the reactor, which would be the first in the world to produce more energy than is needed to run the reaction, could fire up as soon as 2025.

A startup chasing the dream of plentiful, safe, carbon-free electricity from fusion, the energy source of the Sun, has settled on a site, timetable, and key technology for building its compact reactor. Flush with more than $200 million from investors, including Bill Gates’s Breakthrough Energy, 3-year-old Commonwealth Fusion Systems announced today that later this year it will start to build its first test reactor, dubbed SPARC, in a new facility in Devens, Massachusetts, not far from its current base in Cambridge. The company says the reactor, which would be the first in the world to produce more energy than is needed to run the reaction, could fire up as soon as 2025.

he next few months are critical for the two companies. Following years of modeling and experiments, they are both constructing test magnets to demonstrate the 20-tesla fields they need for a compact device. Commonwealth is in the process of winding a single 2.5-meter-tall, D-shaped magnet, slightly smaller than what’s planned for SPARC. Still, Mumgaard says, when completed in June it will be the largest high-temperature superconducting magnet ever built.

he next few months are critical for the two companies. Following years of modeling and experiments, they are both constructing test magnets to demonstrate the 20-tesla fields they need for a compact device. Commonwealth is in the process of winding a single 2.5-meter-tall, D-shaped magnet, slightly smaller than what’s planned for SPARC. Still, Mumgaard says, when completed in June it will be the largest high-temperature superconducting magnet ever built.

Zdroj: By Daniel CleryMar. 3, 2021 , 7:00 AM,

Physics, doi:10.1126/science.abh3426


Lucifer * 08.03.2021, 18:51:27
Géčko, drž se, posílám ti svoji energii. Mám jí dost. To je jediný, co mám. Takže ji mohu rozdávat.

Jasná páka - Všechno je naopak



Géčko (neregistrovaný) 08.03.2021, 16:44:39
Ale jó, až na tu hlavičku...
A novje zádíčka...
Už 2 týdny jak pes u boudy, neznaje, co bude v příští minutě vyvedýno...
AHCh je neštěstí nejen pro postiženého...
Hezké svátečno přeju Ti i dalším cácorkám.

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